Saturday, November 15, 2008

20081115 BGK Practice II

JAMSHIPS, here's the second batch of pictures. Too late post. Please bear with me. Ü

Macky on the move

JunJun, why are you wearing jersey #55?

Chris, I'm missing you this M - U - C- H

Mike Holper, why did you said GOODBYE?

Alex Crisano

Billy Mamaril

AM and JayJay Helterbrand, or should I say, Mr. & Mrs. JayJay Helterbrand?

JayJay holding on to AM's birthday gift

Raffy Reavis

Ronald Tubid

20081115 BGK Practice

Better late than never. This was the moment when AM had the opportunity to give her birthday gift to JayJay Helterbrand.

Chris Pacana

While writing a birthday message for Minnie

Alex Crisano

Billy Mamaril and Junthy Valenzuela

Billy Mamaril

Mike Holper and Alex Crisano

Paul Artadi. His shirt says We are the champions.

Chris Pacana and Paul Artadi

Winkii and Chris Pacana

Willie Wilson

Alex Crisano on skateboard.

JayJay Helterbrand

Ronald Tubid

JayJay Helterbrand on skateboard

Alex Crisano and JayJay Helterbrand

JayJay Helterbrand and Mike Holper

JayJay Helterbrand, Ronald Tubid, and Mike Holper

Macky Escalona

Coach Allan Caidic

Winkii and Eric Menk

Winkii and Sunday Salvacion

AM and Willie Wilson

Winkii and Ronald Tubid

Mike Holper

Winkii, Tatay, and AM

Raffy Reavis and AM

PJ, Snowy, Winkii, and AM

AM and JunJun Cabatu

JunJun Cabatu